扇子を前に置く |
place your sensu(folding fan) in front of you |
ふすまを開ける |
open the fusuma(sliding door) |
両手を畳につく |
place your hands on the tatami(mat) |
look into the tearoom |
扇子を前にすすめる |
move the sensu forward |
茶室ににじって入る |
edge,while seated,into the tearoom |
右手で扇子を取る |
take the sensu with your right hand |
右足から立つ |
stand from your right foot |
床前に進んで座る |
walk to the tokonoma(alcove),and sit down |
扇子を前に置く |
place the sensu in front of you |
真のおじぎをする |
make a formal bow |
掛物を拝見し、花、花入を拝見する |
view the scroll,and then the flowers and the flower
container |
もう一度、真のおじぎをする |
again,make a formal bow |
左足から立つ |
stand from your left foot |
通い畳を通り、炉畳を越えて道具畳まで歩く |
crossing the kayoi-datami and then the ro-datami,walk
to the dogu-datami |
畳の縁を踏まないように気をつける |
cross the tatami edging with your right(left) foot
be careful not to step on the tatami edging
釜の正面に座る |
sit in front of the kama(kettle) |
「お菓子をどうぞ」 |
the host asks you to take the sweet
"Please take the sweet." |
受け礼をする |
respond to the host's request and make bow |
「お菓子を頂戴いたします」 |
"I will partake of the sweet." |
「お先に頂戴いたします」 |
make a bow to the next guest
"Excuse me for going before you." |
菓子鉢の場合 |
take the kashibachi(bowl for sweets) with both
your hands |
菓子鉢を少し上げて感謝する(おしいただく) |
raise the kashubachi slightly to express thanks |
菓子鉢をまた下におろす |
put the kashibachi back down |
わさを手前にする |
place your kaishi(packet of paper) in front of
place the folded edge towards you |
右手で箸を取る |
take the hashi(chopsticks) with your right hand |
左手で扱って箸を持ちかえる |
rehold the hashi using your left hand |
左手を菓子鉢に添える |
steady the kashibachi with your left hand |
懐紙の上にお菓子を置く |
take one of the sweets woth the heshi
place it on the kashi |
もう一度、箸を持ちかえる |
rehold the hashi again |
箸の先を懐紙の隅で拭く |
wipe the tip of the hashi with a corner of the
kaishi |
菓子鉢の上に箸を戻す |
put the hashi back to the kashibachi |
菓子鉢を次客へ送る |
pass the kashibachi to the next guest |
銘々皿の場合 |
お菓子を黒文字で取る |
take the sweet with the kuromoji(sweet pick made
of spicewood) |
お菓子を懐紙の上に置く |
place it on the kaishi |
懐紙を両手で取り上げる |
pick up the kaishi with both your hands |
黒文字でお菓子を食べる |
eat the sweet using the kuromoji |
干菓子器の場合 |
まず向こうの干菓子を右手で取る |
with your right hand, first take the far dry sweet |
干菓子を懐紙の上に置く |
place it on the kaishi |
次に手前の干菓子を取る |
next, take the near dry sweet |
亭主が茶を出す |
the host puts out the tea |
右足から立つ |
stand from your right foot |
縁を右足で越す |
cross the tatami edging with the right foot |
座って、茶碗を取る |
sit down, and take the chawan(teabowl) |
左足から立つ |
stand from your left foot |
まわって、左足で縁を越す |
turn, and cross the tatami edging with your left
foot |
自席に戻って座る |
return to the your seat and sit down |
place the chawan between you and the main guest
inside the tatami edging |
bow and say "I will join you" |
次客との間に茶碗を置く |
place the chawan between you and the next guest |
「お先に頂戴いたします」と挨拶する |
bow and say 2Excuse me for going before you" |
膝前正面縁内に茶碗を置く |
place the chawan in front of you inside the tatami
edging |
亭主に「お点前頂戴いたします」と挨拶する |
bow and say "Thank you for the tea"
to the host |
右手で茶碗を取る |
take the chawan with your right hand |
左手の平に茶碗をのせる |
place the chawan on your left palm |
右手に茶碗を添える |
steady the chawan with your right hand |
頭を軽くさげて感謝する |
bow your head slightly to express thanks |
茶碗を時計回りに二回まわし、正面を避ける |
turn the chawan clockwise twice in order to avoid
its front |
すいきりをする |
drink the tea to the last sip |
飲み口を右の親指と人さし指で拭く |
wipe the place where you drank from with your
right thumb and index finger |
指先を懐紙で拭く |
wipe your fingers on your kaishi |
茶碗を逆に回して正面をただす |
turn the chawan back so that the front faces you |
茶碗を畳縁外正面に置く |
place the chawan in front of yuo outside the tatami
edging |
両手を畳につく |
place your palms on the tatami |
茶碗を拝見する |
take a closer view of the chawan |
両手で持ち上げる |
pick it up with both your hands |
両肘を膝の上につく |
rest your elbows on your knees |
正面を半東にただす |
turn the front toward the host's assistant |
半東が茶碗を取りにくる |
the host's assistant comes to take the chawan |
お互いにおじぎをする |
you both bow |
お茶はいかがですか? |
would you like some tea? |
お茶をお飲みになりませんか? |
Would you liike to have some tea? |
お抹茶を飲んでみませんか? |
How about trying powdered green tea? |
お抹茶を飲んだことはありますか? |
Have you ever tried powdered green tea? |
お抹茶を飲んでみていただきたいのですが。 |
I'd like you try some powdered green tea,matcha. |
もう少しお茶をお飲みになりませんか? |
Would you like some more tea? |
お茶をもう一服いかがですか? |
Would you like another bowl of tea? |
はい、頂戴いたします。 |
Yes, thank you. |
いいえ、結構です。 |
No, thank you. |
充分足りました。 |
I've had enough. |
このお茶の粉は鮮やかな緑色をしているのですね。 |
This tea owdered is bright green,isn't it? |
紅茶のように発酵はしていません。 |
Yes, the fresh tea leaves are seamed and dried.
Later they are ground into a fine powder using a tea mill.
It is not fermented like black tea is. |
これは何でできていますか? |
What is this made from? |
漆の塗料は、樹液からつくられます。 |
The lacquer is made from the sap of the urushi(Japanese lacquer)
tree. |
たいていの茶杓は竹でできています。 |
Most chashaku(teascoops) are made of bamboo. |
これは何に使いますか? |
What is it used for? |
抹茶をすくうのに使います。 |
It is used for scooping powdered green tea. |
これはどのように使いますか? |
How do you use it? |
お菓子をいただくときにこの紙を使います。 |
We use this paper when we partake of the sweet. |
お菓子をこの懐紙の上にのせます。 |
We place the sweet on this packet of paper,kaishi. |
お茶を召し上がる前にお菓子をどうぞ。 |
Please have the sweet before you drink the tea. |
きれいな色をしたかわいいお菓子ですね。これは何からつくるのですか? |
That's a very colorful and pretty sweet.
What is it made from? |
いんげん豆をすり潰したものから作ります。生菓子の一種です。 |
It's made from mashed French beans.
It's a kind of moist sweet. |
甘くておいしいですね。 |
It's sweet and delicious. |
お茶の苦味がお菓子の甘味と調和するとよいのですが…。さあお茶をどうぞ。 |
I hope the bitterness of the tea will be complemented by the
taste of the sweet.
Please enjoy the tea. |
これは何ですか? |
What is this? |
これは日本語で茶杓です。 |
I is a chashaku in Japanese. |
日本語では、teabowlをchawanといいます。 |
Teabowl is chawan in Japanese. |
日本語では何といいますか? |
What do you call it in Japanese? |
日本語では風炉先といいます。 |
We call it a furosaki in japanese. |
これは日本語では水指といいます。 |
This is called a mizusashi in Japanese. |
これは使った後の水を入れる容器で、日本語では建水といいます。 |
This is a waste-water receptacle, called a kensui in Japanese. |
あのスペースは日本語では床の間といいます。 |
That space is called a tokonoma in Japanese. |
茶道は、英語でthe Way of Teaと訳されています。 |
Chado is traslated as "the Way of Tea" in English. |
英語では、茶道をthe Way of Teaと訳しています。 |
We translate chado as the Way of Tea in English. |
それは、かわいい入れ物ですね。 |
that's a lovely container. |
これは日本語でなつめといって、薄茶の時に使われる標準的な入れ物です。 |
It is called a natsume in japanese, and is a standard type
of container for powdered thin tea. |
覚えておきますね。 |
I'll remenber the word. |
なつめというのは、棗の実のことで、この入れ物はその形に似ているのですよ。 |
The word 'natsume' means jujube, and the shape of this container
resembles a jujube. |
どうぞ、お手にとってご覧ください。 |
Please pick it up and look at it. |
よろしいのですか?嬉しいこと。 |
May I ?
That's great. |
お抹茶をいただくための作法がいくつかあります。 |
There are some manners for drinking powdered green tea.
よろしければ、お抹茶をいただく時の作法をお教えしましょう。 |
If you'd like to know, I'll tell you the manners for drinking
powdered green tea. |
私と同じ動作をしてくださいますか? |
Could you do as I do? |
お菓子のいただき方をお教えしましょう。 |
I'll tell you how to take the sweets. |
薄茶点前でお茶を点てますね。 |
I'll make tea with the procedure for making thin tea. |
お茶を楽しんでください。=お茶をどうぞ。 |
Please just enjoy the tea. |
どうぞ楽になさってください。 |
Please make yourself comfortable. |
どうぞお足を楽になさってください。=正座をくずしても結構ですよ。 |
Please make your legs comfortable. |
But now, just relax and enjoy the tea. |
もしお望みでしたら後で作法をお教えしましょう。 |
Later, I will tell you the manners if you wish. |
とても細かい泡ですね。ところで、お抹茶を飲むのに作法や決まりごとはあるのですか? |
The tea looks very frothy.By the way, are there any anners
or rules for drinking powdered green tea? |
ぜひ、お願いします。作法を知っておきたいので…。 |
Please do, thank you. I want to know the correct manners. |
お抹茶をいただく前に、茶碗を2回時計まわりに回して正面を避けます。 |
Now I'll tell you just one of the rules.
Please turn the teabowl clockwise twice to avoid its front before you drink
tea. |
茶杓のような道具の一つ一つには、銘と呼ばれる名前があります。 |
Utensils such as chashaku each have their own poetic names,
called mei |
御銘は? |
What is its poetic name? |
「来福」です。幸運の到来を意味する言葉です。 |
It is "Raifuku," referring to the coming of good
fortune. |
お茶の道具は季節感をあらわすように取り合わせます。 |
We coordinate tea utensils to express the feelings of the
season. |
お菓子は季節感に気を配って慎重に選ぶものです。 |
The sweets should be carefully chosen to hamonize with the
season. |
これは何をあらわしていますか? |
What does it represent? |
このお菓子は桜の花をあらわしています。 |
This sweet represents cherry blossom. |
お茶の味は気に入られましたか? |
Do you like the taste of the tea? |
お茶碗の手触りはいかがですか? |
How do you find the feel of the chawan? |
うれしゅうございます。 |
I'm glad to hear that. |
それは残念ですね。 |
That's a pity. |
少し苦いのですが、味と香りがとても気に入りました。 |
It's a little bitter, but I really like the taste and the
aroma. |
ひときわ道具の美しさに魅かれました。 |
I'm particularly attracted by the beauty of the utensils. |
茶道具は、ほとんどがお抹茶を飲むために特に作られたものなのですよ。 |
Most tea utensils were created especially for the enjoyment
of powdered green tea. |
日本では、お辞儀は出会い、挨拶、感謝に欠かせません。 |
In japan, bowing is essential when meeting, greeting, and
thanking others. |
お辞儀をする時には心を込めてするものです。 |
The act of bowing should be sincere. |
お茶を飲む前には少し茶碗を上げます。 |
We raise the chawan slightly before drinking the tea. |
これは感謝の心をあらわすためです。 |
This is to express our feeling of thanks. |
茶碗をまわすのは、茶碗の正面からお茶を飲むのを避けるためです。 |
We turn the chawan to avoid drinking the tea from the front
side. |
点前では、清めの思想が大切にされています。 |
In the temae, the thought of purification is emphasized. |
実際には全ての道具は水屋できれいにしてあります。 |
Actually all the utensils have been cleaned in the preparation
room. |
点前での清めの動作には精神的な意味が込められています。 |
The acts of purification during the temae have spiritual meaning. |
亭主はまた点前のうちに心を清め、精神を集中させるのです。 |
Each act is also for purification and concentration of the
host's mind. |
ふくさはいろいろな道具を清めるために使われます。 |
The fukusa is used to purify various utensils. |
ふくささばきには、ふくさ自体を清めるという意味合いがあります |
The act of folding the fukusa has the meaning of purifying
the fukusa itself. |
今度は私にお茶を点ててくださいますか? |
This time, would you please make a bowl of ea for me? |
お茶をたてるまでの手順はきちんと決まっているのでしょう? |
I suppose there is a precise procedure for making tea. |
私達はその手順を’点前’と呼んでいます。 |
We call that procedure 'temae'. |
点前には動作それぞれに意味が込められているのですよ。それがポイントです。 |
Each action in the temae has a meaning. That's the point of
the temae. |
左手でなつめを取ってください。 |
how to purify the natsume
Take the natsume with your left hand. |
なつめの甲を、向こう、手前と左から右にふきます。 |
Wipe the far, then near side of the lid of the natsume from
left to right. |
なつめをこの場所に戻します。 |
Put the natsume back to this place. |
ふくさをさばき直し、右手で茶杓を取ります。 |
how to wipe the chashaku
Refold the fukusa, and take the chashaku with your right hand. |
茶杓を3回ふきます。 |
Wipe the chashasku three times. |
なつめの上に茶杓をのせます。 |
Put the chashaku on the natsume. |
茶碗にお湯を入れます。 |
Pour hot water into the chawan. |
茶筅を茶碗にあずけます。 |
how to inspect the chasen
Rest the chasen in the chawan. |
茶筅を2回見上げて穂先きが折れていないか確かめます。 |
Raise the chasen twice and check that there are no broken
tines. |
お湯の中ですすぎます。 |
Rinse it in the hot water. |
時計まわりに円を描き、茶碗から上げます。 |
Draw a clockwise circle, and remove it from the chawan. |
元の位置に戻します。 |
Return it to its original position. |
柄杓の扱い |
the handing of the hishaku |
ふくさのさばき方 |
how to fold the fukusa |
茶碗に茶を2杓入れ、湯を注いで泡立つまで茶筅を振ります。 |
Put two scoops of powdered green tea into the teabowl, and
hot water, and whisk it with the tea whisk until it gets frothy. |
おいしいお茶に大切なのは、心のこもった気持ちなのです。 |
The important thing is to make tea with all your heart. Then
it will be delicious. |
私達はお茶の文化を茶道と呼んでいます。茶道は日本の様々な芸術や精神文化と結びついているのだとよくいわれます。 |
We call that culture chado, the Way of Tea.
It's often said that chado is related to various Japanese arts and philosophical
principles. |
茶道は日本の伝統文化の一つです。 |
The Way of Tea is one of japan's cultural traditions. |
茶道は、墨蹟、表装、花、陶磁器、金属・鉄細工美術品、竹細工・木工芸品、漆器、建築、造園、料理、織物のような様々な分野とも関わっています。 |
Chado is connected with various field of art, including calligraphy,scroll
mounting,flowers,ceramics,metal and iron work,bamboo and wood work,lacquer
ware,architecture,gardening,cooking and textiles. |
日本の茶の文化は、様々な側面を含んでます。 |
The Japanese culture of making and frinking tea has various
aspects. |
茶の文化にはサロン−アート的な要素もあります。 |
Tea culture also has the element of being a type of salon-art. |
茶の文化は「茶道」にまで高められました。 |
Tea culture matured into chado. the Way of Tea. |
日本では一椀の茶をめぐって高度な精神文化が育ちました。 |
In Japan, a highly developed spiritual culture
has matured through a bowl of powdered green tea. |
茶道では、精神的な面を最も大切にしています。 |
I chado, the spiritual aspect is most important. |
茶道の形式や手順の背後にある茶道の心を知っていただけると幸いです。 |
i will be happy if you are able to feel the heart of chado
behind the form or procedure of drinking tea. |
茶道の根本は、和敬静寂の四文字に現わされています。 |
The basic principles of chado are expressed in the woeds harmony,
respect, purity and tranquility. |
茶道では、肩書きやランク等に左右されることなく、全て同じ真摯な気持ちで敬わなければなりません。 |
In chado, we should respect everyone and everything without
distinction of status or rank. |
茶道では、精神的な清浄が大切です。 |
In chado, spiritual purity is essential. |
和敬清を完全に自分のものにして初めて、寂の境地を得ることができます。 |
We can embody tranquility only when we make harmony,
respect and purity our own. |
茶道を学ぶことによって、心の平安を目指しているのです。 |
By learning chado, we seek to obtain an ultimate peace of
mind. |
茶道の心は普遍的なものです。 |
The spirits of chado is universal. |
12世紀に、現在の抹茶法の原型が中国から日本に伝わりました。 |
In the 12th century, the original form of drinking powderd
green tea was brought to Japan from China. |
16世紀、千利休が現在の茶道の源流を大成しました。 |
In the 16th century, Sen Rikyu established the foundations
of chado as we know them today. |
利休の死後、その子孫が三千家を興し、利休の茶道を受け継ぎました。 |
After the death of Rikyu, his descendants establishes three
Sen houses, which have passed on his Way of Tea. |
私達が学んでいるのは裏千家の茶道です。 |
We are learning the chado of the Urasenke family tradition
of Tea. |
現在の裏千家の家元は千利休の16代目の子孫です。 |
The present Grand Tea Master of Urasenke is the sixteen-generation
blood descendant of Sen Rikyu. |
人生のこの一瞬一瞬を大切にしていかなければなりません。 |
We should value every such moment of our lives. |
薄板の上に花入れを置きます。 |
We put the flwer container on the usuita. |
亭主はふくさを帯にはさんでいます。 |
The host tucks the fukusa into his / her obi. |
客は扇子を帯びにはさんでいます。 |
the guest tucks the sensu into his / her obi. |
茶事では懐石料理が出されます。 |
kaiseki is served at a formal tea gathering. |
茶会では、客はふくさ・古ふくさ・懐紙を懐中しておきます。 |
At a tea gathering the guest pits his /her fukusa,kofukusa
and kaishi into the overlap of his/her kimono. |
絵画も時々茶室での掛物としてつかわれます。 |
The most typical lale,pmp fpr the tearoom is calligraphy.
paintings are sometimes used as kakemono for the tearoom. |
茶会の趣向に合わせて、掛物を選びます。 |
We select the kakemono to coordinate with the purpose of the tea gathering.
釜を持ち上げる時にかんをかんつきにかけます。 |
We attach the kan to the kantsuki to lift the kama. |
挨拶 |
greeting |
開ける |
open |
上げる |
足 |
foot |
預ける |
rest |
歩く |
walk |
家元 |
Grand Tea Master |
いただく |
paretake of |
一期一会…どの出会いも一生に一度だけ |
one opportunity, one encounter |
This phrase means each encounter happens only once in a lifetime. |
一度、一回 |
once |
一わんからピースフルネスを |
"Peacefulness through a Bowl of Tea" |
一服 |
a bowl of tea |
居前…点前をする時に亭主が座る位置 |
the host's position when making tea |
居前を正す…着物の裾を正し、自分の座る位置を確かめること |
to straighten the kimono and check the sitting position |
入れる |
put into |
後ろ |
back |
薄板…花入れを置く板 |
board for the flower container |
We put the flwer container on the usuita. |
薄器、薄茶器、なつめ |
container for powderd thin tea |
薄茶 |
thin tea |
薄茶点前 |
procedure for making thin tea |
漆 |
lacquer |
柄 |
handle |
緒 |
cord |
終える、終わる |
finish |
置く |
place |
お辞儀、お辞儀をする |
bow |
帯 |
sash |
主菓子 |
main sweet |
主茶碗 |
main teabowl |
親指 |
thumb |
織物 |
textile |
懐紙 |
packet of paper |
懐石 |
meal for tea |
懐中する |
put ~ into the overlap of the kimono |
返す |
return |
替え茶碗 |
altermate teabowl |
替え蓋 |
altermate lid |
Most kaebuta are lacquered |
掛け軸、掛物、軸 |
hanging scroll |
荘る |
display |
菓子 |
sweet |
菓子器 |
container for sweets |
菓子鉢 |
bowl of sweets |
菓子楊子、黒文字 |
sweet pick(made of spicewood) |
"Kuromoji" is the word for spicewood,
a plant which has a slight fragrance. |
勝手付…客に遠い方向、亭主が建水を水屋に引く時に向く方向 |
the position away from the guests |
the direction in which the host turns when removing the waste-water
receptacle to the preparation room |
釜 |
kettle |
釜敷き |
kettle rest |
窯元 |
kiln |
上座…床の間、正客の方向 |
the direction toward the tokonoma or shokyaku |
かん |
kettle rings |
かんつき |
kettle lugs |
着物 |
Japanese traditional clothes |
客 |
guest |
客口 |
duest's entrance |
客付き…客に近い方向、拝見の為に亭主が茶器を清めるときに向く方向 |
the position toward the guests
the directon in which the host ake a close view of it |
行 |
semiformal |
清める |
purify |
裂地 |
fabric |
薬指 |
ring finger |
汲む |
draw |
敬 |
respect |
建水 |
waste-water receptacle |
下座…茶道口、末客の方向 |
the derction toward the host's entrance or makkyaku |
濃茶 |
thick tea |
濃茶用には、日覆をして育てた古い茶樹の、ごく新芽から粉を作ります。 |
At a formal tea gathering, koicha is the most importantant drink.
The powdered tea for thick tea and that for thin tea differ from the outset
of their processing.
For thick tea, very young leaves of old tea trees grown in the shade are
濃茶器、茶入れ |
container for powderd thick tea |
濃茶点前 |
procedure for making thick tea |
香 |
incense |
Sandalwood incense is used in the furo season, from May through
Moist, kneaded incense i used in the ro season, from November through April. |
合 |
cup |
香合 |
incense container |
We put the incense in a kogo. |
越す |
cross |
小茶巾 |
small linen cloth |
We use a kochakin to wipe the rim of the chawan after drinking
thick tea. |
小茶巾入れ |
purse for a small linen cloth |
五徳 |
trivet |
A kama is placed on the gotoku. |
こふくさ |
square of classic-patterned fabric |
A kubukusa is used to keep the utensil from coming in contact
with the mat or the hands. |
小間…広さが四畳半以下の茶室 |
small tearoom |
a tearoom smaller than or equal to four-and-a-half mats in
floor space |
小指 |
little finger |
座禅 |
Zen meditation |
茶道 |
the Way of Tea |
茶道口 |
host's entrance |
さばき直す |
refold |
By being refolded, the fukusa itself is regarded as again
pure. |
さばく |
fold |
The fukusa is folded before it is used to purify a utensil. |
作法 |
manner |
三回、三度 |
three times |
三回半 |
three and a half |
三客 |
third guest |
残肴入れ |
pouch/box for leftover food |
We used the zango-ire at the time of the kaiseki or tenshin. |
敷板 |
board for the brazier |
仕覆(しふく) |
pouch(for a/the~) |
閉める |
close |
正客 |
main guest |
The shokyaku represents all of the guests and speaks directly
with the host. |
正面、手前 |
front / near side |
次客 |
second guest |
寂 |
tranquility |
真 |
formal |
すくう |
scoop |
すすぐ |
rinse |
捨てる |
discard |
炭 |
charcoal |
炭斗(すみとり) |
charcoal container |
座る |
sit |
清 |
purity |
禅語 |
Zen phrase |
扇子 |
folding fan |
茶室では扇子は客のしるしでもあります。 |
A sensu for tea is not used to fan oneself.
The sensu is often used as symbolic separation between one self and an object
to be respected.
In the tearoom, a sensu is also the sign of the guest. |
草 |
informal |
象牙 |
ivory |
注ぐ |
pour |
台子(だいす) |
original type of utensil stand |
台子は13世紀に中国から日本に伝えられたと考えられています。 |
It is thought that the daisu was brought from China to Japan
in the 13th century. |
竹 |
banmboo |
確かめる |
check |
出す |
put out / serve |
畳 |
mat |
畳はいぐさでできています。 |
Tatami mats are made of rush. |
立つ |
stand |
立てかける |
lean |
点てる |
make / whisk |
棚 |
utensil stand |
足袋 |
split-toed socks |
茶会では白足袋をはきます。 |
At a tea gathering, we wear white tabi. |
食べる、いただく |
eat / partake of |
茶 |
tea |
茶臼 |
tea mill |
茶会 |
tea gathering |
茶巾 |
linen cloth |
茶巾は主に茶碗や釜を拭くために使います。 |
Chakin are mainly used for wiping the chawan or the kama. |
茶事 |
formal tea gathering |
茶事では、和敬静寂の精神が実現されることをいつも目指しています。 |
At a chaji, we always seek to realize the spirit of harmony,
respect, purity and tranquility. |
茶室 |
tearoom / tea hut |
一番小さい茶室は一畳台目の大きさしかないものがあります。 |
There are many variations in the size and desighs of chashitsu.
The smallest chashitsu has only one and three-quarter mats. |
茶杓 |
teascoop |
昔、茶人は自分で茶杓を削っていました。 |
Chashaku are generally made of bamboo, but some are made of
ivory, wood, and so on.
In older times, Tea people carved their own chashaku. |
茶人 |
Tea person / Tea people |
茶に習熟した人を”茶人”と呼んでいます。」 |
We call the people well versed in the Way of Tea "chajin". |
茶筅 |
tea whisk |
茶筅は竹で作られます。 |
Chasen are made of bamboo. |
茶筅通し |
examining the chasen |
茶筅通しはお茶碗を温めながら穂が折れていないかを確かめることでもあります。 |
Through the act of chasentoshi, the host purifies his / her
mind a d, at the same time, gathers mental concentration.
Chasentoshi is also done to check that there are no broken tines while warming
the chawan. |
茶道 |
the Way of Tea |
茶道具…茶道に必要な諸道具の総称 |
tea utensils |
general term for all utensils used for the Way of Tea |
茶庭 |
tearoom garden |
茶花 |
flowers for tea |
茶花には”花は野にあるように”の教えに従います |
Chabana should be simple and natural.
For chabana we follow the principle, "the flowers should be as they
are in the field." |
茶碗 |
teabowl |
抹茶をおいしく飲むために茶碗が工夫され、作られてきました。 |
Chawan have been designed and made so that the matcha will
be enjoyable. |
塵穴…落ち葉等を捨てる穴 |
hole for disposal of fallen leaves and so forth |
摘み、撮み |
nob |
詰、末客 |
last guest |
手 |
hand |
亭主 |
host |
手の平 |
palm |
点前 |
a / the procedure for making |
精神を集中させて点前の形を習いながら、茶道の本質を学んでゆきます。 |
Learning the foem of temae and concentrating our mind, we
come to understand the essence of the Way of Tea. |
点前座 |
host's place |
出る |
leave |
点心 |
light meal for tea |
道具 |
utensil |
道具畳…点前に使用される畳 |
the tatami on which the tea is made |
胴拭き…ふくさで茶入れの胴を拭くこと |
wiping the body of the chaire with the fukusa |
時計まわりに、右回りに |
clockwise |
床の間 |
alcove |
床の間には主に軸や花を置きます。 |
The tokonoma is the most sacred space in the tearoom.
Mainly, a hanging scroll and flowers are placed in the tokonoma. |
飛び石 |
stepping stones |
共蓋…道具の本体と同じ材質の蓋のこと |
matching lid
A tomobuta refers to lid made of the same material as the body of the utensil.
釜や水指しによく使われます。 |
Commonly, it applies to kettle and fresh water containers. |
取り合わせ |
coordination of… |
亭主は茶会の趣向や季節にあった道具の取り合わせを工夫します。 |
The host considers the toriawase of the tea utensils so that
they reflect the season and the purpose of the tea gathering. |
取る |
take / pick up |
中指 |
middle finger |
にじり口 |
crawl-through doorway |
躙る(にじる) |
edge, while seated |
塗り |
lacquered |
練る |
blend / knead |
飲む |
drink |
灰 |
ash |
灰器 |
ash container |
拝見する |
view / take a close view of |
灰匙 |
ash spoon |
入る |
enter |
運ぶ |
carry |
はさむ |
tuck |
箸 |
chopsticks |
始まる、始める |
begin |
花入れ |
flower container |
冬には焼物や唐銅等の花入れを主として使います。 |
there are formal, semiformal and informal hanaire.
In the summere, we often use basket hanaire.
In the winter, we mainly use ceramic or bronze hanaire. |
羽箒 |
feather brush |
半東 |
host's assistant |
反時計まわりに、左回りに |
counterclockwise |
干菓子 |
dry sweet |
有平糖のような干菓子は左手前に積みます。 |
The usual rule is to serve two kinds of higashi.
Higashi of the pressed type are arranged on the far right of the tray.
Candy-like higashi are stacked on the near left of the tray. |
干菓子盆 |
tray for dry sweets |
膝前…主に道具を置く位置 |
in front of the klnees |
usually refers to yhe placement of utensils. |
柄杓 |
ladle |
左 |
left |
左足 |
left foot |
左手 |
left hand |
左手前 |
left front |
左向こう |
left back |
左横 |
left side |
人さし指 |
index finger |
火箸 |
metal chopsticks |
炭を扱う時に火箸を使います。 |
Hibashi are used to handle charcoal. |
平点前…基準的な道具での最も基本の点前 |
basic procedure for making thin tea
the most basic temae using standard utensils. |
広間…広さが四畳半以上の茶室 |
large room
a tearoom large than or equal to four-and-a-half mats in floor space
拭く |
wipe |
ふくさ |
silk cloth |
茶会で亭主は帯にふくさをつけています。 |
The host carries a fukusa tucked in his/her obi at a tea gathering. |
ふくさばさみ |
tea purse |
節 |
node |
襖 |
sliding door |
蓋 |
lid |
蓋置き |
lid rest |
縁高 |
stacked boxes for main sweets |
懐 |
overlap of the kimono |
風炉 |
brazirt |
風炉は中国から日本へ渡ってきたものです。 |
Form May through October, we use furo.
Furo came to Japan from China. |
風炉先屏風 |
screen |
道具畳の区切りに置かれるニ枚折の低い屏風 |
a short two-fold screen placed to set off the dogudatami. |
縁 |
tatami edging |
縁内 |
inside the tatami edging |
客は普通畳縁内16目の所に座ります。 |
The guests normally sit 16 sections of tatami weave inside
the tatami edging. |
縁外 |
outside the tatami edging |
茶道具の拝見は縁外で行います。 |
We keep the tea utensils the tatami edging when we take a
close view of them. |
ほどく |
untie |
待合 |
waiting room |
茶事や茶会で、連客は茶室に入る前に待合で身支度を整えます。 |
At a tea gathering, the guests prepare themselves in the machiai
before entering the tearoom. |
末客 |
last guest |
末客には、お茶をよく知っていて、亭主に近しい人がなるのがよい。 |
A makkyaku has certain responsibilities during a tea gathering.
It is best for a person who is experienced in tea and close to the host
to the makkyaku. |
抹茶 |
powdered green tea |
まわす |
turn |
右 |
right |
右足 |
right foot |
右手 |
right hand |
右手前 |
right front |
右向こう |
right back |
右横 |
right side |
水指し |
fresh-water container |
水次 |
water pitcher |
水次は水指しや釜の水を注ぐために使います。 |
A mizutsugi is used to refill mizusashi or a kama. |
水屋 |
preparation room |
向く |
face |
向こう |
back / fae side |
結ぶ |
tie |
銘 |
poetic name |
銘々皿 |
individual plate |
銘々皿にはそれぞれひとつずつ主菓子を盛ります。 |
One omogashi is placed on each meimeizara. |
持ち直す |
rehold |
持つ |
hold / have |
戻す |
put back |
指 |
finger |
立礼 |
tea procedure adapted for tables and chairs |
連客 |
the guests |
正客以外の客をさすことが多い。 |
often refers to the guests other than the main guest. |
炉 |
sunken hesrth |
炉の起こりは、農家の囲炉裏から考えだされたといわれています。 |
From November through April, we use ro.
A ro warms the room well.
It is said that the ro was originally inspired by the large hearths in farm
houses. |
露地 |
garden leading to the tearoom |
炉縁 |
hearth frame |
漆や木地の炉縁をよく使います。 |
We often use lacquered or wooden robuchi. |
和 |
harmony |